Guidance and Testing Services
The guidance and counseling center adheres to the philosophy, mission and vision of the school and is geared towards helping and guiding students in their academic, career, personal and social endeavors through disseminating necessary and truthful information, conducting psychological assessment, professional counseling, and studies for the development of appropriate programs that will respond to the needs of the students and help them develop their full potential.
Guidance Programs and Services
I. Individual Inventory Service
Keeps an organized, complete, updated and comprehensive profile of students which contain information about hispersonal, family, scholastic progress, test results and other pertinent data that may be helpful in understanding the context of the student.
II. Information Service
Facilitates accumulation and dissemination of relevant information that would apprise the students; Provides information foreffective decision-making, problem solving and the like.
A. Orientation Program
Provides new students and transferees with the information that they need to properly adjust to the school and itscommunity.
B. Career Guidance Program
Provides senior students with the pertinent information, essential exposure and right attitude to help them makethe right decision in choosing a post high school career.
C. Homeroom Guidance Program
Provides students with the basic knowledge that they need towards academic, career and personal-socialdevelopment through homeroom lecture and activities.
III. Counseling Service
Provides professional counseling to students and help them cope with difficulties in personal, academic, career, emotional, socialand family matters.
A. Counseling for Self-volunteered and Referred Students
Provides counseling service and responsive measure to students who volunteerthemselves for counseling or is referred by their teacher or other school personnel due to apparent emotional or behavioral problem.
B. Counseling for Low Performing Students
Conducts an investigating procedures, provides counseling service and responsive measure tostudents who display poor academic performance.
C. Peer Facilitators / Counselors Training Program
Conducts training program to peer counselors to provide alternative counseling service tostudents who have difficulty disclosing to school counselor or authority figure.
D. Career Counseling
provides counseling service to graduating students to help them make the right choice of career and effectively adjust totransition into college.
IV. Testing Service
Conducts assessment of ability, personality and aptitude of students to get a better view of their context and dynamics that areessential in understanding their potentials and problems. Facilitates DepEd-administered tests and ensure proper administration and execution of itsstandard procedures.
A. Pre-admission Test
Conducts a standardized diagnostic measurement of an incoming student’s verbal comprehension, verbal reasoning,quantitative, pictorial, and figural reasoning; provides a pre-admission profile of student’s academic strengths and weaknesses.
B. RCBN-ES Pre-Post Test
Conduct a RCBN-ES-wide diagnostic and achievement measures of knowledge and skills in English, Math, and Scienceof students from grade 1 to second year.
C. National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE)
Provides senior students with a standardized career assessment that may help themdetermine the right career that suits their ability and personal preference
D. Occupational Orientation Inventory
Conducts a standardized assessment of the fourth year students’ abilities and interests to guide them inchoosing the right career that suits their interest and abilities
E. National Achievement Test (NAT)
Provides students with a standardized achievement test that may help them determine their strengths andweaknesses from the academic competencies set by the Department of Education.
F. Individual testing to self-volunteered or referred students
Conducts an individual psychological assessment to understand the context of atheir attitude, adjustments, relations and conflicts; facilitates a student’s knowing and understanding of himself and the dynamics of hispersonality.