Club enlistment is now on going. Kindly visit the school to reserve slot for your desired club. These are the clubs to choose from:

Arts & Crafts
Campus Ministry (Chorale, Kalis-Katoka)
Dance Troupe
Drum & Lyre
Theatre Club

Arts & Crafts
Dance Troupe
Drum & Lyre
Instrumentalist Club
Science Club
Theatre Club
Volleyball Club


June 3, 2015 (Wednesday)

Grade 1 - Grade 4 Students' Orientation
8:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M.

June 4, 2015 (Thursday)

Grade 5 - Grade 10 Students' Orientation
8:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. @ OLLP

June 5, 2015 (Friday)

CLUB Orientation and Enlistment
8:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. @ OLLP

June 13, 2015 (Saturday)

Orientation of ALL PARENTS
8:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. @ OLLP

June 8, 2015 (Monday)

Start of REGULAR CLASSES for Grade 1 - Grade 10.
ECE Nursery & Kinder) Pupils and Parents Orientation

Canteen Services

The school canteen serves breakfast, mid-morning snacks, and lunch and mid-afternoon snacks.

1.    Pupils must follow proper behavior inside the canteen.

2.   Pupils are not allowed to go to the canteen during class hours unless they have the permission of proper authorities (subject teacher, adviser, Prefect of Students or Principal).It is only during recess, lunchtime and after classes that they are allowed to go to the canteen.

3.   To safeguard one’s health and safety, buying from vendors outside the school is absolutely prohibited.

4.   Parents / guardians are not allowed to stay / eat in the canteen especially during class hours to give ample space for students’ use. They can use the space in front of the canteen for business transaction. 

5.   The security guard is not allowed to do an errand like forwarding of snacks and meals to pupils in the classrooms. No pupil is allowed to go outside the school premises during break or lunch time to buy his/her food. It is expected of them to prepare everything before coming to school.

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